The Big Little Garden


Wondrous, Intimate Gardens

…restoring life and balance for all


Our Gardens Are Capable of More


The time has come for our gardens to go beyond ‘pretty’. It’s time to un-do the harm we’ve done in the pursuit of ‘low-maintenance’. It’s time for our landscapes to once again become a refuge ~ a sanctuary for our native birds, bees, butterflies, moths and animals. Together, we can restore the Natural Balance. Restore the Wonder.

we still have time to remedy past mistakes

Even a small property can become a haven for wildlife as it provides a beautiful outdoor sanctuary for human life. Knitting together multiple small properties in a neighborhood with indigenous plantings further amplifies the benefit to wildlife. Working together we can all make a difference and contribute to a healthier environment for all living beings.

Just believe in nature’s power to heal

Reversing landscape ‘mistakes’ can be done in stages. Removing non-native invasive species, reducing the size of our lawns, eliminating the use of all pesticides and rodenticides, and emphasizing trees, shrubs and perennials native to our region will jump-start the healing process. In time, our gardens will become balanced ecosystems, cleaning the air, nourishing the soil food web below ground and supporting a vast array of wildlife above ground. With each passing year, the native plant communities become more abundant and more life-sustaining.

Promoting Biodiversity

The most Wondrous Gardens are a vision of glorious, sustainable, diverse plant communities. Their foundation is built upon native plants that host native insects.

Pollen, nectar, foliage and root systems work in tandem to support healthy ecosystems that sustain themselves with a minimum of human intervention. Native species flourish. Food is gathered and stored. Nests are built. Leaves are chewed. New generations emerge. There is beauty in all seasons.

Is it Time for Your Wondrous Garden?

Through coaching and native plant selection, I can help you learn the Secret Language of Plants and finally achieve the Wonder that you seek. My guidance is specifically intended for those who want to embrace a more bio-diverse, naturalistic garden ~ one that maximizes native plants with an emphasis on supporting and returning life to the landscape.

a feast for the eyes

Your garden is capable of astounding beauty throughout the four seasons. When perfectly in balance, it Hosts and Sustains an abundance of wildlife, rewarding you with the glorious elements of a bio-diverse garden: fragrance, movement and song.

phox ‘Jeana’ with swallowtail butterfly

monarda bradburiana

simply extraordinary

Magic happens when you marry the familiar with the unexpected. New England and North American native trees, shrubs and plants produce kaleidoscopes of color and texture that will unfold daily before your eyes. Species of uncommon beauty await your selection!

steward of your land

As the Keeper of your garden, you will experience a profound personal awakening, a joy of creation, and a deeper, more harmonious connection with Nature, gaining confidence in your ability to nurture and grow your creation throughout the seasons.

amsonia hubrichtii and salvia nemorosa

Garden secrets unlocked

Learning the “Secret Language of Plants” is the key to achieving a Wondrous garden. Balancing indigenous and non-native plants for maximum wildlife value, understanding the importance of the soil food web, and embracing sustainable garden care practices are all elements of this Language.

Identifying and correcting prior “missteps” in the garden, and layering compatible plant communities will return the natural, healthy balance.

Understanding this Language and how plants and animals have co-evolved will put you in the fast lane toward restoring Natural Balance and achieving the optimal environments for beautiful, thriving, life-sustaining plant communities.

Enjoy the show!

Now that you’ve set the table to welcome an abundance of wildlife, your garden’s buffet will bring bees, birds, butterflies and other magnificent visitors up close to delight and mesmerize. Rejoice in the knowledge that your garden’s habitat plays a crucial role in helping to sustain these amazing creatures.


Want to visit my garden ‘classroom’?

Contact me to schedule a visit for you or your organization.