As we enter the last week of May, The Big Little Garden is emerging at an astonishing rate! Mother Nature has put her foot on the gas peddle, and many gorgeous plants and shrubs are putting on a show. Since we’ve all been a bit cooped up this spring, I would like to invite you to come tour the garden, shop gorgeous polymer clay art objects (hand crafted here in NH), and purchase unusual plants, all while supporting New Hampshire’s oldest (and only!) professional orchestra. Your support will help ensure future programming and live concert events in Nashua, Concord and Manchester.
There is no set entrance fee, we simply ask that you consider making a donation of any amount to support Symphony NH. We can do this safely and still have fun! Please bring your mask ‘attire’ and keep a safe distance while you walk the garden.
Tour The Big Little Garden at your leisure and explore the “classroom”. Discover uncommon “bridge” plants (those that help us transition from Spring to Summer), and learn about planting for bio-diversity. See unique and unusual specimens, and witness how complex tapestries of foliage can be just as stunning as any flower bloom.
My gardens, whether in full sun or full shade, provide four season visual interest and habitat for our native creatures and pollinators. See how intense plant diversity provides non-stop nectar and pollen for our native Mason Bees and Bumblebees. Currently, hundreds of allium (ornamental onion) bulbs are blooming, setting the garden beds awash in a sea of purple balls that seem to hover over the other plants. With any luck, the foxtail lily will be blooming, too!
All of these plants help support dozens of bird species on our small property. Chickadees and Wrens tend to their fledglings in cute bird houses. Witness the eye-popping orange and black uniform of Baltimore Orioles as they swoop down for a serving of grape jelly before returning to nesting spots in high tree tops. Cardinals, catbirds and goldfinch compete for seed and insects. If you’re lucky, you’ll see hummingbirds sipping nectar from honeysuckle.
My good friend, Galina Szakacs, owner of Conversation With Clay will join the fun with a few of her nature-inspired polymer clay on glass vases and bowls. Galina will donate 20% of polymer clay sales to Symphony NH. So this is a perfect time to shop her gorgeous works of art - they make fantastic teacher and hostess gifts. Here are just a few samples - she will have more to see on the 31st!
I will have a few plants from my garden potted up and available for those interested in making a donation to our 97 years strong Symphony NH, including some Arisaema (‘Jack-in-the-Pulpit’), Japanese forest grass, salvia ‘Amistad’ (a hummingbird and bee powerhouse!), Asclepias (milkweed for Monarchs), and more! Click and hover on photos below for plant ID. Photos taken by Barb Young in The Big Little Garden on 5/24/20.

Please note: The Google Maps link shows a photo of the house from about 20 years ago. It looks very different now. Some GPS systems stop at a house down the hill at 11 Topaz. We are at 11 Brackenwood, so be sure to drive up the hill and look for the pink granite mailbox post with our address. Just park on the street and someone will greet you in the driveway with a list of plants to look for as you stroll through the garden.
Look forward to seeing you, and thank you for your support of Symphony NH.
~Barb Young